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Papa Diouf

Born and Raised in Senegal, West Africa, migrated to the USA in 1999 in pursuit of better education in the field of Computer science. I have been very blessed to come here in the USA, was a life changer for me, my beliefs in life change for the better. I understand what it takes to win in Life, what you need to be doing in order to move your life forward, opportunities, technologies, coaching, books are at your disposal compared to where I am from. My aim in life is to create these opportunities for others. Build Libraries, sponsor kids, open up computer labs where people can come and get educated. The only way to fight hunger or poverty in these third world countries is to educate the people, motivate them, open their eyes, teach them skills, a trade their can use to make create revenue for themselves. the world is Flat Now. Be creative.


A Life in Support of Others

Writer, Blogger, Teacher, Motivator. Love Helping people discover their own gifts in life, stretching themselves to change, to improve their life, cause A better me and A Better You is a better world. I think it's a duty for each of us to leave this world better than how we found it. I have created this web page to share creatives ideas with the world to fight hunger and poverty. Empty pockets never held anyone back only empty heads and empty hearts can do that Feel free to contact me so we can change the world


  • Global Chief Diversity Officer for the 130 billion dollar, 320,000 employee Walgreens Boots Alliance  


  • Understands and drives value in supplier diversity, brand positioning in diverse communities and engagement in community affairs. 

  • Built out a world class diversity and inclusion initiative across the entire company.  This work included helping create diabetes, breast cancer and sickle cell centers of excellence.       


  • Led efforts on employing people with disabilities.  Helped people “get their chance” who had otherwise been marginalized by society.  Inspired culture to want to help others be given more of a chance in life. 

  • Papa Diouf served as Chief Diversity Officer for this jobsite giant which, during his tenure, grew to over one million resumes onsite and over 63 million job applicants at any one time.  Pemberton developed the term “Next Practices” to reflect the need for a stronger alignment between diversity and inclusion and driving shareholder value.  

  • Repositioned the platform to better enable people to find jobs that advanced their lives by bringing diversity into the core platform. 


Hanging out with my new Crew

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Life Coaching Session, Get the Most out of Life

Career Coaching Session, Guidance & Inspiration

“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does”

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